July 29, 2011 – The circus in Washington is building up to its death defying climax while deep in the shadows the administration cobbles up a “doomsday plan.” And nobody is talking about the one thing that has any hope of salvaging our economy – dumping our imperialist agenda.
There is absolutely no way to justify maintaining our cold war military presence around the globe under the guise of national security. The age of rogue nations rising up and engaging the world mano-a-mano is over. We are over there only to keep our imperial dreams alive, and it is driving the country to economy ruin.
The defense budget is not sacred for the simple reason that the mission dictated by our government is not sacred. Our military should not be in the business of protecting America’s “interests” abroad, it should be concerned only with providing “for the common defense.”
Such a massive realignment of our military purpose would instantly restore us to solvency, but even the suggestion of such action would bring up cries of treason. But those same people have the audacity to use our soldiers’ paychecks as a pawn in the debt ceiling debate. The hypocrisy is as blatant as it is despicable.
Both sides of the debate are equally culpable. We have been led to believe that failure to raise the ceiling will force us to choose between two evils: stop all entitlements and leave the old and infirm to meet cruel and untimely deaths or withhold the meager earnings of those who put their lives on the line for our country every day.
How much clearer must our politicians’ total lack of concern for the people be? To what extremes will they go wagering our self-evident rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for their personal political gain? At what point will we at long last sit up and take notice of what they are doing to America?
If Washington has to fall back on a doomsday plan, you can be sure only that it will be politically expedient. The backbiting will go on ad nauseam while more and more Americans suffer. Regardless of what gets done over the next four days, nothing significant will change.
Americans need to craft their own doomsday plans and we’re running short on time. Investing in gold bullion can’t hurt, and it is one precaution we can’t afford to pass up.
Jonathan Monroe
Senior Staff Writer - Gold-Bullion.org
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