December 4, 2009 – Gold bullion discounts are available on two levels today, so investors have taken advantage of lower prices by fortifying their portfolios further. Safe-have assets like gold, silver, and other hard assets that can be stored privately historically gain value during times of national economic hardship, and our current cycle has been no different. Learn more about historic gold cycles by requesting your free gold investment information kit below.
The gold spot price fell this morning due to profit-taking by some short-term investors who were holding a large amount of gold bullion, but gold bullion investors quickly scooped up the new gold that came to the market. The gold spot price declined from $1203 to $1180, and this has resulted in gold bullion discounts of approximately $20 per ounce on most major exchanges.
Three large institutional buyers have strengthened their position in the gold bullion market, and they plan to hold this gold through the first quarter of 2010. Projections are that gold could gain 11% by then, at which point these institutions will most likely trade their bullion for certified rare coins. Investors who want to attach themselves to the institutional buyers can contact the Certified Gold Exchange, where gold bullion discounts of 2-5% are available.
If you do not wish to make a short-term gold investment, and you would rather buy your gold and sit on it for a few years or more, gold bullion may not be right for you, even at discounted prices. Certified gold coins have been heavily targeted by institutional buyers since 2001, and these coins are widely utilized as long-term wealth preservation vehicles. Request your free information on the gold market below to learn more about various gold diversification options.
Jonathan Monroe
Senior Staff Writer - Gold-Bullion.org
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