May 27, 2011 – Interest in buying gold bullion is once again being sparked by disappointing economic “news.” But who is actually surprised that our economic “growth” is slowing down? For most of us that translates to the decline is speeding up – just as predicted.
Economists, ever the optimistic (or deluded) predicted a 2% drop in home sales last month, but not surprising to us who drive by countless for sale signs on overgrown lawns every day, the real figure was nearly six times greater.
Now even the majority of Wall Street’s high rollers are predicting the Fed will be forced to keep interest rates down after the end of QE2. With the Fed out of the bond buying business, our already overstressed economy is all but certain to nosedive even further.
As worry spreads over the dollar’s future we are seeing the same old frenzy among investors as they scurry about looking for higher interest rates. This is where it seems to me that common sense takes flight. They flock to other currencies, in this case even to the euro – which definitely is not without its own concerns. The problem is that investors have a one track mind – that if their capital isn’t making them money, then they are losing out.
But all the interest in the world isn’t going to compensate for a rapidly declining dollar. Ten thousand percent of nothing is still nothing. Investors seeking a store of wealth should think about that term. Physically held gold bullion is the ideal means of storing wealth.
Gold bullion bought today and put into secure storage will represent the same wealth years and even decades down the road. But, as has been consistently demonstrated over the past several decades, currency and paper assets are far more likely to erode wealth over time.
Still, the siren song of returns keeps investors from making the prudent move to store a sizeable chunk of their capital in gold bullion. They opt instead for illusory gains measured in a rapidly diminishing currency. They want their money to make money – but their money isn’t real money at all. And the money it makes is worth less every day.
Real money cannot lose its worth. It cannot inflate and it cannot deflate. It simply is. And what it is today it was 100 years ago and will be 100 years hence.
Gold bullion is real money, and to me that’s a whole lot better than any contrived piece of paper.
Jonathan Monroe
Senior Staff Writer - Gold-Bullion.org
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