October 19, 2009 - Our country is quickly losing international leverage, thanks to our inept leaders' incessant spending spree. The powers that be in Washington thrust $1.4 trillion of new dept upon us last year alone, and most economists believe that our lawmakers will continue to execute these radical financial strategies throughout the next few years. Some investors have felt the knot in their stomach tighten recently, due to their lack of faith in our elected officials. Struggling portfolios have also been a primary concern for many Americans during the last few years, which is why some investors have supplemented their current holdings by adding gold bullion. While this particular type of precious metal investment may not be right for everyone, gold bullion is rapidly gaining momentum as a way to combat currency inflation. The devaluation of US currency has been on the minds and mouths of stateside investors more abundantly, and some of these worried investors have decided to tackle the problem of lost spending power by shedding surplus cash. While society has ingrained into our minds that hoarding bags of $100 bills is a good idea, reasonable investors realize that our money needs to be protected and nurtured for growth. Our government is picking our money tree clean, so many investors are seeking refuge by purchasing silver and gold bullion.
Silver and gold bullion products are popular because they are an affordable way to obtain real metal. Credit-Suisse and Johnson-Matthey bars trade close to the active bullion spot price, which is currently $1057.80 for gold and $17.56 for silver. Investors who are interested in learning more about the guidelines for gold investing are encouraged to visit www.Gold-Investment.info, where valuable information for institutional and household investors is readily available.
Jonathan Monroe
Senior Staff Writer - Gold-Bullion.org
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